Taiwan Adventist Hospital


Bilung’s Invitation to Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of W-Breast Cancer Association


In acknowledgment of Bilung’s commitment and influence on women’s issues, the hospital’s Breast Center and the volunteer team from the W-Breast Cancer Association (W=Warm, Worth, Win, WBCA) cordially invite Bilung to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the WBCA on December 20th at the Breast Center.

During the event, Dr. Hsieh Chia-Ming not only presented the importance and high cure rates of breast cancer screening but also provide insights into the intimate and discreet environment of the Breast Center, highlighting various examination facilities available. The volunteers warmly shared a touching 30th-anniversary video and presented Bilung with a small gift to usher in the festive Christmas season.

Bilung also generously contributed US$300 to the WBCA, demonstrating her strong support. Her aim is to expand the service scope, extend outreach, and strengthen the connection between Palau and Taiwan in promoting breast cancer awareness. Through collaboration with breast cancer organizations in both regions, the goal is to share medical information, guide patients and their families in preventive measures, avoid high-risk factors, and assist Palauan breast cancer patients in their physical, mental, and emotional recovery. Together, they strivie to recognize the significance of treatment counseling on the path of cancer treatment, hand in hand creating a beautiful and meaningful life.

The volunteer team at the WBCA comprises breast cancer survivors from Taiwan Adventist Hospital Breast Center, currently consisting of 30 dedicated volunteers and over 150 members. They play a crucial role in supporting breast cancer patients and their families. Through close collaboration with Taiwan Adventist Hospital Breast Center, they share personal experiences, offer support, and provide valuable resources. Their activities include community breast cancer screenings, awareness campaigns, and initiatives promoting healthy lifestyles post-treatment.