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  “Losing-weight” has always been a life-long crusade for me for as long as I can remember, which I have repeatedly failed more times than I can remember. Prior to signing up for the weight management program at Taiwan Adventist Hospital (TAH), I am just like every other overweight people out there with the dream to get lean one day so I can enjoy my life more. I have tried to diet by eating very little to no carbs and fat and even skipping meals. I have also tried getting more exercises done by frequenting the weight room, playing squash and jogging. With all these hard works, I can shave off some weight rather quickly.
I was not eating healthy. With the way I diet, I would crave for junk foods from time to time, and therefore would sneak in junk foods like chocolate bars, sweetened drinks, and cakes late at night. On the other hand, although my exercise regimen sounded promising, I tended to overextend my body and injure myself. I would occasionally suffer from ankle and back injuries and pull a muscle here and there, probably attributing to not getting proper warm-up and over-exercising in a short period of time. As a result, whenever I suffer new injury, it will take weeks or even months to heal. During the healing period, with the lack of exercise, I would quickly find myself back indulging in food and regain the weight which I lost earlier.
During TAH’s 8-week program, I was exposed to a wide variety of lessons on how to eat healthy and exercise right and informative sessions on obesity-related health risks. I found the “calorie distribution table” most helpful. It is essentially a table our dietician designed for each of us according to our individual physical condition indicating how much calories per day and how many servings per each food group we are supposed to have. What surprised me the most was that I should eat carbs and fat in a suggested amount instead of very little. It taught me to develop a balanced and well-portioned eating habit. We also learnt how to calculate food servings and took record of what we eat which our dietician Ms. Tseng (Kathy) would look over and give us helpful feedbacks. I am especially thankful to Kathy as she is always caring, attentive, eager to help and prompt in answering questions (I had many!), and give cheers along the way. In addition, we were also exposed to spinning, yoga and aerobics in TAH’s own fitness center. We had useful lessons such as how to properly adjust stationary bike, how to avoid injury and how to develop a habit for workout. The coaches at the center are also knowledgeable and helpful.
During the program, I gradually develop a healthier lifestyle. I have quitted late night snacks and followed the distribution table religiously. Each day, I look forward to fulfil the target servings of each food group and refrain from excess food. When comes to exercise, I would attend spinning and Pilates lessons on a regular basis while getting ample rest between workouts. Frankly speaking, the journey is far from easy as there are always temptations lying around no matter it is feast from Chinese New Year or strawberry ice cream from convenient store. Fortunately, as weeks go by, I become more adapted and determined to the healthier lifestyle. In the final week, it was especially rewarding to see my weight went down and my blood test showed improved result. I am pleased of my current progress and excited of what I will accomplish- a healthier and improved version of me. Let’s the transformation begin!

在參加台安醫院的享瘦班前,我總會夢想著在不久的將來,能夠成功瘦下來,享有更好的生活。我有試著節食,靠著只吃極少量的油跟醣類,甚至是跳過主餐。也試過增加運動量,去健身房,打球跟慢跑。然而以我的飲食方式,在夜晚常會想吃巧克力、甜飲或是蛋糕等的垃圾食物。另一方面,雖然我的運動計劃看來不錯,但我時常會因運動過量而受傷,不時會扭傷腳或是拉傷某處肌肉。而這會要花上幾週甚至數月來治癒。受傷的時候因不能運動,我又會放肆無忌憚地吃,很快地就把先前瘦的又給補回來。 在台安的課程,我上了許多如何健康均衡飲食、正確運動以及肥胖相關疾病的課程。裡面尤其是"飲食熱量分配表"非常有用。這是營養師根據每人的身體情況設計的進食表。這表不但標示出每日所需的熱量,更指出各類食物群組應攝取的份數。我還蠻驚訝我應該攝取一定建議量的主食跟油脂,而不是吃非常少。在課堂中也學到如何算食物的份數。每週也會由曾祺營養師來更改我們的飲食記錄表並且給予建議。也非常謝謝曾營養師,她很關心學員的狀況,熱心提供協助,對於問題(我有超多的!)都不厭其煩地一一解惑,也會在過程中給予打氣。另外,我也在台安的運動中心上了飛輪,瑜珈跟有氧課程,學會了如何避免受傷及如何保持運動的習慣等知識。


Sammy 冠宗

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